April Meeting Notes

Milgauss Green

Hello All,

Following on from the (not long) concluded April meeting, here are some points of interest:

  • Daylight Saving Time ends tomorrow (Sunday) in NSW, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and the ACT at 2am, so before you go to bed don’t forget to switch your clocks BACK one hour before you switch off the lights. Though these days, most Apple and Android phones do the work for you automatically (as long as you use the automatically set network rather than a manual setting).
  • The Sunday Morning Net will stay on the VK2RCN Telegraph Point repeater for the time being.  There is some contention as to the best repeater for the Sunday Morning Net, with some members only able to access one repeater or the other.  The continued home of the Sunday Net will be discussed (again) at the May meeting.
  • Also in regards to the Sunday Morning Net, there was a motion put to the meeting to leave the Sunday Net at 9am, as opposed to returning it to its regular non-daylight savings time of 8:30am.  This motion was past almost unanimously.  This still ties in nicely with the VK2WI broadcast that begins at 10am.

So – Wind your clocks BACK tonight and see you on tomorrow’s net on VK2RCN (Telegraph Point 147MHz) at 9am!

3 replies on “April Meeting Notes”

  1. NO comment about the Sunday morning Net!!! Nothing has been heard to comment about!!! I think a HALF membership fee is applicable, as I am only receiving a HALF service from the club!!!

    • I agree. I listen to a few nets but but never join in. As for the fees they need to reduce them to $20 max
      I see some local members are being classified as distant members and other members membership is also being paid by the club. No good.

      • I have passed on your feedback to the committee, who will take it to the general members at the next meeting – so your opinion will be heard in the event you’re not present. In fairness to the decision made, the question of whether people were happy with it on RCN was put to the present members and only a single member wasn’t happy with it (and he couldn’t participate anyway because of another engagement each Sunday).

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