March Oxtales

March Oxtales is here! The events are all starting to roll around – the John Moyle, Urunga Convention, Wyong Field Day (MayHam) and out antenna shootout! The class licence is now in place. Read about these happening and more in this issue! Thank you to all contributors and our indefatigable (thanks ChatGPT!) editors!

Members should now have received their copy by email, but website copies of the current and past editions can always be found here.

January Oxtales

January Oxtales is here! Welcome to another year! Read about all the happenings in Amateur Radio on the Mid North Coast and afar! Our ever-present thanks are extended to all contributors and our tireless editors!

Members should now have received their copy by email, but website copies of the current and past editions can always be found here.

VK Amateur Radio Class Licence – Explained

The amateur class licence will commence on 19 February 2024 in Australia. Some amateur radio operators will have already received an email from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) about this.

This is an extract of a live stream done by REAST Inc and presented by Justin VK7TW explaining everything you need to know about the changes, actions needed and essentially – what will happen going forward for ham radio in Australia.

November Oxtales

November Oxtales is here! This issue is jam packed with all the happenings! DMR enthusiasts will be pleased to read about the installation of the VK2RPM DMR Repeater at Middle Brother, and that’s the just the tip of the iceberg!

Members should now have received their copy by email, but website copies of the current and past editions can always be found here.